Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tickets tickets places immediately

The buzz surrounding the Jonas Brother dating life has hit the extreme. VIP tickets and tickets for places immediately next to the stage, which originally cost Euro 200 and Euro 70, can be bought only from dealers. In Paris Hiltons My New BFF (Best Friend Forever) the 27-year-old star began a search for a potential friend who was hot, loyal and paparazzi-ready. 50 Cent, who gets third billing, despite being onscreen for maybe ten minutes). Despite the defeat, Davis still remains in the 170-pound title hunt and a win against Kelly is critical if he wants to stay among the top players in a crowded welterweight division. Victoria Beckham attempt to emulate King Canute (by looking at a sea of unsold denim and sending it off to distributors anyway) continues apace with the talentless twiglet managing to raise those big old bony hands for long enough to dash off a passionate spewing blog on her website (dont even think about asking for a link).

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